Thursday, October 14, 2010

He Is Good

So much on my heart these past few days. So much that the Lord is teaching Nathan & I right now. Trust, patience, contentment. There have been many days when we have battled discouragement & frustration. I feel as though I've been riding a rollercoaster of emotions the past few weeks. But, throughout it all, these truths never fail......

"Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders?"
~ Exodus 15:11

"But this I recall to mind, therefore I have hope. The LORD's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore, I have hope in Him." The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the LORD."
~ Lamentations 3:21-26

"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust also in Him, and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him."
~ Psalm 37:3-7a

This is what is true. This is what our hearts must be resting in & where our minds must be focused. Though circumstances change & we face difficult & discouraging things in this life, the Lord is the same. He is good ~ ALL THE TIME! He is sovereign, He is wise, He is faithful, He is gracious, His timing is perfect. He knows the plans He has for us. He knows what we need. He provides all we need. He does all in our life for our good & His glory.

May His glory be what we focus on. May His glory be seen in our learning & growing, in our marriage, in our relationships with friends & family, in our ministry ~ may His glory be our goal ~ always.

The Lord has been so gracious to patiently guide & teach us during this time. To lead us, to provide for us, to give us wisdom in decisions. We are praying that we continue to grow in trust in Him, in peace in Him & in contentment in Him. When our hearts & minds are resting there they find perfect peace. Peace & rest is had only when we are casting our cares on HIM, trusting HIM for His guidance & provision, doing all things in HIS strength & seeking HIM with all our heart, soul & mind. We seek Him more & more each day & are greater learning what it means to actively trust Him & rest in Him in all things, each day.

What an awesome, overwhelming gift of grace that we can hope in this amazing God!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In the last few days and weeks, it has become obvious that my family has not been having a normal Fall - and haven't been having a very normal time for the last little while. It has been extraordinarily difficult to want to blog & chat away happily, acting as though this time is like any other, and so I've decided to stop pretending and worrying and devote my energies where they feel more right.

The reasons for our hard time are entirely private. It is not that it is something so awful I can't tell, or so hurtful I can't say, or even too shameful to speak of. It is none of those things, and doesn't even start to be in that category, and I know that when I say "something has happened and I won't be blogging or talking about it" it makes everyone wonder what hideous monstrosity must be going down over here, and it just isn't like that. It is simply that the blog isn't for everything - and that even if it's something I don't mind telling, it doesn't always matter. That behind all of these stories and entries there are real people, and not every story belongs to me. The story of the last little while in this family belongs to both Nathan & I, and we will maybe tell it someday, in our own way, and in our own time, and if it serves us, but for now our story is our own entirely, and we are working to have it unfold as the Lord means for it to happen.

This family is lucky. We have each other. We are loved, we are safe. We have shelter, and we are not hungry. This is what we will be thinking about right now, and as we stumble through this time in whatever fashion is right for it, and I'll blog as seems right as we go. We're going to hunker down and love each other, and if we start to feel sorry that this time isn't the way we would have it if we were in charge, I'm going to remember that no matter how bad things seem, the Lord is in control. That part never changes, and for that, I am grateful.

Love to you all, back when I can be.

Beth & Nathan

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Dear David,

Today is the 8th anniversary of your death. It is a day that is difficult for me, for all of us, because you are no longer with us. We remember your smile, your laugh, the passion with which you lived life. There are still days when I can't quite believe that you are actually gone. Might sound crazy, but I think that when we lose the people that we loved the most, the people who influenced our life the biggest, the ones who loved the hardest, who stand up for what is right, who never are ashamed - I just don't think you ever really get over it. I know I haven't. I am thankful to have had you in my life, to have loved you and on this day, to fully feel the extent of our loss - you.

So much has changed, Dave. I'm married now. We're trying to start our family, and sometimes the infertility issues overwhelm me to the point that I wish I could just call you and talk it out. I know you wouldn't have judged, just listened - and I feel like I need more of the listening in my life, more support, and I wish you were here for that. You told me once to never be afraid - to stand strong in our Lord and never doubt his goodness, his grace. Those words have been encouragement to me during some of the most difficult days of the past months - days that I've been stuck at home housebound and unable to drive. Days when I miss you and the family back home enough to bring me to tears. Days when the threat of early-onset menopause looms so big before us that we feel our dreams will never come true. And I remember you quoting C.S. Lewis to me - "It is not that we doubt God's goodness, and that he has the best in mind for us - we are simply wondering how painful the best will be." The words that you gave me while you were here have encouraged me in your absence. Thank you for knowing what to say. For saying the right things, for pointing me towards Christ.

I don't know what is ahead for Nathan and I. God is doing some amazing things, even though our circumstances are far from our idea of ideal. I don't know where we'll end up, or how the Lord will use us. What I do know is that we are ready to be used. In a lot of ways, I am afraid of what the future holds - nervous for what is in store. But more than that, I am excited. Excited and already in love with the plan that He has, the plan that Nathan and I are committed to spending our lives following. The potential is staggering, but as you said once - God gave me big paws for a reason.

Thanks for being my brother. Not that you had a lot of choice in the matter - we don't exactly get to pick our family. But for being the type of brother that you were. Most girls haven't been as blessed as I have been to have known a brother like you, and I am so thankful for the way that you touched my life. You wouldn't have had to. But you chose to anyway. Thanks.

Till very soon,
Your sister

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Contetment in our Gracious, Loving Lord

"Christian Contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit that freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition." ~ Jeremiah Burroughs

As I have walked through the different stages of my life, the Lord has again & again gently reminded me of the need for my heart to always be content. It isn't enough for me to remain at that same contented stage when I was a single woman in Pennsylvania, surrounded by friends & family as compared to now being a wife & homemaker with a sweet husband to serve. My contentment has had to grow & deepen in each new stage of life. I have had to learn the meaning of freely submitting to & delighting in God's wise & fatherly disposal in every condition.

When my heart is content, it is at rest. It is peaceful. I don't want to hurry to the next thing. My thoughts & conversations aren't filled with, "When _____ happens one day," or "When we are finally able to do _____ thing." Not that it is wrong to be excited & hopeful for what the Lord has planned in the future for us, but when my thoughts & words are characterized by that, I know that it is displaying a heart filled with discontent. A good desire is becoming a sinful lust & is filling my life with discontent.

The past months the Lord has been graciously reminding me again of my need to grow in contentment in this stage of life that Nate & I are at. By His grace, I am thankful for the growth & change we have both seen in my heart & I give the Lord all the praise for that!

I love that Jeremiah Burroughs quote & yesterday I was reminded of it again in a message from a sweet friend. The truthful, heart-focused reminder it gave me yet again, made me desire to share it with all of you & take some time over the next weeks to break it down, word-by-word, & share my thoughts on it & ask for yours. I ask for your patience with me, as my schedule doesn't always allow for consistent blogging. I will do my best. :)

Contentment is an area in which I believe we all need to constantly be examining ourselves & seeking to grow. Each step of life, each condition, each change ~ may we be faithful to seek the Lord & ask His help & guidance in transforming our hearts into those that characterize that beautiful Christian Contentment.

"....for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content....I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:11 & 13

Monday, May 31, 2010

Joyful Hospitality

Over the past weeks, Nathan and I have been talking & learning much about serving others. Hospitality & serving others is a characteristic that we pray & desire to be reflected in our family & home. Much learning goes along with that ~ making sure that we always guard our time for each other, time to read & study individually & as a couple, time to work. The Lord has been so gracious though, in giving us wisdom and understanding as we seek to honor & glorify Him in the area of time.
There is always a temptation to fall into self-centeredness in the area of our time ~ thinking we have too much on our plates, we're doing everything, etc.... But I would encourage us all to take a look at where & how we're spending our time & see what it is truly being spent on. When we are "so busy" we often neglect the area of hospitality & serving others. This should not be.
Whenever we host friends in our home, we are blessed. There are just such special & sweet times of chatting, playing games, cooking together & much laughter! Nathan and I cherish these times. There are many other opportunities and ways to serve others & show hospitality ~ the Lord has been teaching us much about that. We are thankful to be learning & are continuing to seek, by God's grace & guidance, to spend good time investing in hospitality. It's wonderful to learn together and it reminds us how blessed we are with the relationships we've cultivated & new relationships we're building.
I was encouraged & challenged this morning by reading this quote from John Piper I read on the "girltalk" blog which belongs to Carolyn Mahaney & her three daughters. I thought I would share:
“The joy of receiving God’s hospitality decays and dies if it doesn’t flourish in our own hospitality to others,” warns John Piper. But when we practice hospitality:

“…we experience the refreshing joy of becoming conduits of God's hospitality rather than being self-decaying cul-de-sacs….” [W]e experience the thrill of feeling God's power conquer our fears and our stinginess and all the psychological gravity of our self-centeredness. And there are few joys, if any, greater than the joy of experiencing the liberating power of God's hospitality making us a new and radically different kind of people, who love to reflect the glory of his grace as we extend it to others in all kinds of hospitality.”

Friday, February 12, 2010

~ One Year of Joy ~

December 6, 2009, we celebrated our first anniversary! It is amazing that we have already been married one year & on the other hand, it seems like we've been together always - maybe, because in some ways, we truly have.

Marriage is incredible. It is truly a gift of God's grace. To look back & see how He molded us & formed us into Nathan Rasmussen & Elizabeth Geiman and the paths that He lead us on, then to how He put all the details together to bring us both to Vacation Bible School at Greencastle Baptist Church where we would meet over 11 years ago, then to beginning our friendship, becoming best friends and falling head over heels in love with one another, to our engagement and then finally, this most blessed day, our wedding day.

We talk often about how we truly see God's hand in all the big & little details of our lives up until meeting each other & how He had formed us perfectly for one another ~ to become one on December 6, 2008. It has been such a blessing to have known Nathan for the last 10 years… to have been given the opportunity to know him as a teenager, a young man, an adult and my husband. To watch him grow through these stages of his life and to see him seeking the will of our Lord throughout and despite everything is challenging and inspiring.

We have learned and grown so much this last year, in our relationships with the Lord and our relationship together. Marriage is a huge sanctification tool and in it we've grown in our understanding of how we are to exemplify Christ's relationship with His church.

We have learned more about the character of our Lord, the characteristics that we are to seek to possess as a godly man and woman and learned more about each other. Each day is a wonderful day of joy, excitement, encouragement, learning, laughter, communication and growth ~ we treasure each day of being married. It has been humbling and tear-filled as we have dealt, for the last 9 months, with my being ill. Watching Nathan take care of me, clean up after me, love me through nausea, pain, confusion, forgetfulness, inability to talk and drive and uncertainty of my physical health has been a huge revelation of Christ’s love and grace to me. We know that no matter what the outcome, no matter how scary or huge it may seem, our Lord is in control and guiding us where we need to go.

We are excited and thankful for all the Lord is doing in our lives and for where He will lead us in the years to come.

I could truly fill pages with stories about our first year of marriage, the Lord's goodness & faithfulness, the amazing-ness of the man I'm married to, how much I love him & more.

To sum up: I am blessed beyond imagination to be the wife of Nathan Rasmussen. The Lord's grace amazes me in that. Every day is a gift with him & I cherish all the memories we are making. I love him more than I could ever express in words and I thank the Lord each day for bringing us to one another, for leading us faithfully and for all He will do in days, months and years to come.