December 6, 2009 , we celebrated our first anniversary! It is amazing that we have already been married one year & on the other hand, it seems like we've been together always - maybe, because in some ways, we truly have.
Marriage is incredible. It is truly a gift of God's grace. To look back & see how He molded us & formed us into Nathan Rasmussen & Elizabeth Geiman and the paths that He lead us on, then to how He put all the details together to bring us both to Vacation Bible School at Greencastle Baptist Church where we would meet over 11 years ago, then to beginning our friendship, becoming best friends and falling head over heels in love with one another, to our engagement and then finally, this most blessed day, our wedding day.
We talk often about how we truly see God's hand in all the big & little details of our lives up until meeting each other & how He had formed us perfectly for one another ~ to become one on
We have learned and grown so much this last year, in our relationships with the Lord and our relationship together. Marriage is a huge sanctification tool and in it we've grown in our understanding of how we are to exemplify Christ's relationship with His church.
We have learned more about the character of our Lord, the characteristics that we are to seek to possess as a godly man and woman and learned more about each other. Each day is a wonderful day of joy, excitement, encouragement, learning, laughter, communication and growth ~ we treasure each day of being married. It has been humbling and tear-filled as we have dealt, for the last 9 months, with my being ill. Watching Nathan take care of me, clean up after me, love me through nausea, pain, confusion, forgetfulness, inability to talk and drive and uncertainty of my physical health has been a huge revelation of Christ’s love and grace to me. We know that no matter what the outcome, no matter how scary or huge it may seem, our Lord is in control and guiding us where we need to go.
We are excited and thankful for all the Lord is doing in our lives and for where He will lead us in the years to come.
I could truly fill pages with stories about our first year of marriage, the Lord's goodness & faithfulness, the amazing-ness of the man I'm married to, how much I love him & more.
To sum up: I am blessed beyond imagination to be the wife of Nathan Rasmussen. The Lord's grace amazes me in that. Every day is a gift with him & I cherish all the memories we are making. I love him more than I could ever express in words and I thank the Lord each day for bringing us to one another, for leading us faithfully and for all He will do in days, months and years to come.