Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello, Blog!

This has been a relatively normal Wednesday; a day in which I decided to start a blog. Nathan and I have joked about it, and I've lately found myself wanting to capture this period in our lives in such a way that will make me look back and laugh and appreciate the daily well, "day to day" of it all. So, I sat at the computer, and, even though I'm definitely not the most literate of computer-ey people, managed to figure out exactly what I'm doing....even down to changing the font color, if my heart so desires. This created a sensation of false confidence and "I know what I'm doing-ness" that was soundly dispelled later in the day by a sock-in-progress. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but one should know that being sat soundly on one's rump by a half-knitted sock still on it's sharp, wooden double-pointed needles is a bit...humbling.

I then started thinking about this first entry, and what I wanted it to be. I mean, this is our first entry, and that's kind of a big deal. I talked to myself about it for a while (Nathan was at work) and finally decided I just needed to shut up and write. In the end, I just decided to give you us the way that we are, the way that we've always been. Most of all, we love God and we love one another, and allowing that to color our perspectives on our day's events makes for a beautiful tapestry of a picture. And, since this is about our lives, I should probably fill you in... well, right now Nathan's is filled with not only being married to his lovely and talented wife (me!) but work and school as well; as I'm unemployed at the moment, mine is filled with taking care of Nathan and knitting. Trying not to go a little crazy missing my amazing family. Oh yeah, and reading Baptist history out loud to Nate on a semi-daily basis.

Nathan's taking Baptist History this semester, and I've been reading his textbooks out loud to him. This highly irregular method is shaping up to be highly effective, as he has no choice but to listen as I read and invent voices for the different early Baptist leaders, and has him well motivated to stay ahead in his course-work. (I'm convinced that this is because he wants to see what voice I'm going to give to the next generation of Baptist leaders that occurs in the textbook, but that's beside the point) It's been fun for me, gives us a new way to spend time together and learn at the same time.... and I've started to look at it as a sort of "time traveling field trip" that we take together on a daily basis. Pretty cool, huh?

At any rate... it's just us. Writing about us, and our days and the things and people that fill them; and the God who gives us each day in His grace and mercy. As it is, I'm off to relax and wait for my wonderful husband to come home. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.....

Goodbye, (at least for now) Blog.

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